Thursday 10 October 2013

AS Film Studies - Iron Man 3 "Personal Statement"

One of my favourite films that I have watched over the summer most certainly has to be Iron Man 3. I waited ad waited for Iron Man 3's release and yes, it absolutely was worth the wait. Robert Downey Jr has once again claimed his crown, or rather, his mask of being Iron Man. Although, Iron Man 3 was not as good as Iron Man, it was much better than Iron Man 2. All things considered, I do believe it is worth seeing. It is virtually non-stop action from start to finish; it is the most action packed out of all the Iron Man films, this kelp me interested as there was always something new going on. Iron Man 3 is smart, funny and just overall spectacular. They had great character build up, in particular for new characters, the Mandarin and Aldrich Killian; there is also great character depth and screen time for Pepper Potts in this film as well.

I personally love when a movie takes its time introducing new characters and foreshadows the rest of the film, which Iron Man 3 did incredibly well. I, unlike others, found the plot twist about the Mandarin highly entertaining and gave me the biggest laughs of the film; it was definitely one of the top films made this year. There was a lot of expectation to finish off the series in a good way. I think Iron Man 3 did that. Robert Downey Jr is so much fun to watch (and easy on the eyes, right ladies and gents?).

The emotions and stress that Stark is dealing with is interesting and not something one would usually see featured, and all the subtle references to The Avengers keeps you on your toes. The director shows us Tony Stark in ways we've not yet seen him before, and Robert Downey Jr is absolutely brilliant in the role. This is the fourth movie to feature Iron Man and each time Marvel makes the suits better than the film before. Yes, the hardcore comic book fans will have a hard time accepting that the film is not exactly like the comic, but for the rest of us, this movie has set the bar very high for other summer 2013 releases. In the end, Iron Man 3 is one of my favourite Marvel Universe films and is a great end to the Iron Man trilogy.

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